A Box of Books

I got home from Empire’s E3 event to find a big box in the middle of the kitchen floor – the first copies of ‘Outlaws’. It’s a magical moment when you pull back the brown wrapping paper and look at rows of glossy front covers and smell that new book smell. For so very long the story has only existed on a computer screen. It’s been read, re-read, and re-re-read, edited within an inch of its life, and now it’s there, a thing people can hold and take away. I lifted out a copy and spent two days reading it from cover to cover – because reading it like that is a completely different experience from seeing it as a Word document on my laptop. I think it was Kate Mosse who said: ‘the reader completes a novel’. It’s so true. I’ve done my bit, and so have the long-suffering team at AMP – the editors, production crew, illustrators. I’m truly grateful to the people who have taken Gwin and her band to their hearts, now it’s over to you!

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