Where has the year gone?

Guardians was released in February 2023 and Pilgrims came out exactly a year later this February. It was formally launched at LarpCon – a superb event and fantastic fun. Now we’re counting down to the release of Gwin’s third Empire adventure, Outlaws, in August!The real Lazarus is back at Empire, having ‘Marched In’ to become a Marcher and I’m also crewing – when I can – with my good friends at Curious Pastimes. Playing/crewing across two LARP systems keeps you busy, but there’s also historical reenactment/interpretation. Apart from a brief interlude straightening the trench tramway track at the reconstructed WW1 trench at the Kent Showground, Detling, WW1 has taken a back seat, not least because I’m currently bearded to be a more convincing 10th Century and 15th Century warrior, with early-Medieval reenactment combat superstars Ost Centingas and the Marchers respectively! I’m easily the worst fighter in Ost Centingas, but it’s still great to be the worst of the best, and somehow they put up with me.LarpCon was a wonderful opportunity to launch Pilgrims and meet Gwin’s expanding fanbase (and also get some serious tellings-off regarding what happened to a certain character in Guardians. You know who I mean…). The Guardians/Pilgrims team stand was between our great friends from Curious Pastimes and Profound Decisions – we couldn’t have had a better spot. If proof was needed of how hugely popular the LARP hobby is (and let’s face it, it isn’t needed), we were all overrun, not least by tidal waves of what Rob Davies at Larpbook calls ‘the larp curious’. Luckily there was a consensus that if you’re not sure what you’re letting yourself in for, you should read Guardians. Absolutely!

Link to Rob’s LarpBook review of Guardians: Book Review: Guardians by Peter Lucy (youtube.com)Links to Instagram and Facebook:



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